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  January 2014
  Blue Lagoon Stockholm Archipelago
Archipelago Ferries

The Stockholm Archipelago lies to the east of the capital and is a wondrous world of water, remote islands and boats.   It is a popular holiday destination particularly those who like boating and walking.   The archipelago is less than an hour from Stockholm, and a good starting point for a tour is the delightful village of Vaxholm.

The archipelago is served by four companies.  The principal operator is Waxholmsbolaget, owned by Stockholm Council, who have over 20 vessels comprising ice-going ferries such as Gallno (lower left), high speed ships such as Vaddo (centre) and Sodertorn (centre right) and classic steamships such as Norrskar dating from 1910 (above left).   They provide a variety of services from Stockholm and Vaxholm to many of the islands in the archipelago.   The other main operator is Cinderella Batarna who have three large high speed boats including Cinderella II (lower right).   Passengers enter and exit over a gangplank at the bow while the boat is secured by a single rope.   More prosaic are the yellow car ferries, owned by the government, that ply between several of the islands, such as Nina (top) which runs from Vaxholm to Rindo.   The timetables on all routes start early in the morning and finish late at night, with regular departures throughout the day.   Finally there is Stroma Kanalbolagat who have a fleet of steamships based in Stockholm.   They provide tours including trips to the archipelago and dining cruises using Stockholm (above right).

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 Abba Fact: No. 1
     Many of the Abba songs were composed by Bjorn and Benny on the island of Viggsö in the Stockholm Archipelago.   The island can be seen in the distance (above), so almost certainly the duo would have used a boat similar to that at the pier to get out there.   The hut where the songs were written has been recreated in the Abba museum in Stockholm (below).   Opened in May 2013, it relates the history of the famous Swedish group as well as giving visitors the opportunity to perform several of their well known songs.
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 Abba Fact: No. 2
     The video for "Summer Night City" was shot on location in Stockholm in 1978.  The song captures the disco era and is predominantly set in a night club.   However at the end of the video there is a panoramic view of Stockholm at dawn taken from Strombron bridge (below).   Today the steamers from Waxholmsbolaget still tie up there (above).
    Stortorgskallaren, Stockholm
When in Sweden eat meatballs and where better do do this than at Stortorgskallaren opposite the Nobel museum ?   Great food and blankets to keep you warm on chilly evenings.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx All photos taken in May 2013.   Click to enlarge photos and play clips.  





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